Wednesday, 6 July 2011

IT Support from 300 ft

At the (Cambridge) College IT Managers' 2009 Conference at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford I was lucky enough to win a flight in a tiger moth in the prize draw. I've been a bit slow getting around to taking this up, but finally got around to it last weekend. I got to fly from Duxford up to Madingley and back, and even got to fly the plane a bit myself (no doubt with the pilot's hands not far from his set of controls). Initial impressions: Tiger Moths are really small and feel as if they are made out of Mecarno, you can't see where you are going, and in the air they feel as if they are blowing around like a piece of paper! Flying the plane feels a bit like sailing, but in three dimensions rather than two (and, at least last Sunday, with less water).

Here's some photographic proof of the event. Thank you CITMG!